
Submit An Event

Please note that all submitted events are subject to approval and LimbPower reserves the right to edit any submitted event information to ensure consistency of style and tone.

Only one event should be submitted with each form.

By uploading information using this form you agree to LimbPower’s terms and conditions. Once you have uploaded your event details, you will receive a confirmation email from LimbPower.

Depending on the volume of events being processed, it can take up from 14 days for your event to appear in our events calendar so please submit your event in plenty of time to allow it maximum exposure on our site.

Please note that your event's details are added to the LimbPower database.

There is no fee for partner events. There is a £25 administration fee for non-partner events. Please contact LimbPower if you are not sure whether you are a LimbPower partner.

Contact us

If you have any queries about submitting an event or one you have already submitted, please email

Your Details

Event Details